December 14, 2007
As it is now halfway through December, some of the ginko trees have decided to act like its fall and shed their leaves in a golden rush. These trees, brimming with yellow leaves only last Friday, are now mostly bare. Other trees, however, have not followed suit. Besides palms, which are always green, a number of trees have retained their leaves. The leaves are turning a shade darker than in the summer, as though switching a lime sweater for an olive sweater. The grass is brown and the morning glories are dying, but on the whole the vegetation still shows color. I’m glad. Maybe the trade-off of a less-than-spectacular autumn is a less-than-gloomy winter.
Lately, or I should say this week, the weather has been odd. Odd in that it’s actually been warm. Tuesday, it became cloudy and a light rain fell; despite that, it was actually warm that day and the next. Perhaps the very thing I hated about rain in the summer (ie, the humidity) is now a boon in the winter. Thursday, midway through the day, the clouds departed, and it was much colder in the afternoon than in the morning.
Today, Friday, has been cold and windy, as per usual in the winter, but I mind it less lately. The reason: the schools have brought out their kerosene stoves. Now, between the cold stone walls of the office and the bare stone floors, small metal heaters, maybe three feet high, are lit and glow a rosy red. I’ve gotten so warm and comfortable that I take off my jacket to reveal a short-sleeved shirt. To which, inevitablely someone asks, “Samukunai?” (Aren’t you cold?)

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